

We’re home, now.

This is Lucy, contemplating the morning.

I’m in a whirlwind, at the moment, which is not very conducive to thought and reflection.

Here are three beautiful things, though.

  • The porchswing, now with a cushion and pillow, is the perfect place to read a book before dark. I lie there as it gets dark, stretched out and comfortable. It’s cool, and I can hear people walking by, but they most likely do not notice me.
  • It’s cool in the mornings, now. I walk across campus to work and it feels like fall, when the world starts over.
  • I tell I. at work about how cold it was in Maine, and how colorful, and she smiles. I. is from Moscow.

Bye —

1 thought on “Home

  1. That is a wonderful photo. And I share your enjoyment of the second wonderful thing. We are having lovely cool mornings and while not like a true Midwestern fall, they feel good.

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